
I’m no fan of social media (for many different reasons) and have resisted putting Merton Bakery on social.

But I’d been thinking about it and really wanted to build a networked community of people who make, buy, eat and love bread. Seems like Instagram is the platform of choice in this respect.

I approached Ruby Ellis-Whitty to manage an Instagram account and yesterday she posted the first images from Merton Bakery. Ruby is perfect for the job. She has professional experience in comms and social, knows the bread I make, and knows me well too.


screenshot of Merton Bakery instagram feedscreenshot of Merton Bakery instagram feed

Up next emmer variation the sourdough library
Latest posts starters a living thing look like dough again away away the sourdough library social emmer variation spelt emmer harvest festival 2024 coming up pushing the proof making ourselves discard granola new workshops back with three sunflower and sesame walnut and rye hand sifting flour carb lab craft knowledge upcoming dates and an apology cannellini experiment very old bread when flour meets water back baking percentages and schedule bonci bread folded dried starter the meaning of the process