If you’ve been looking around this site you’ll know that I work in a small domestic kitchen. This places all sorts of limits on how much bread I can make. Here’s an example.
After I have shaped the loaves they sit in the fridge overnight for their final proving.
Into the fridge for final proving
Having ten proving baskets in the fridge meant buying two extra fridge shelves (bizarrely expensive — each about 10 loaves wholesale!1). I have to take everything else out of the fridge and put it outside overnight in a cooler (what would be called an Esky in Australia or a chilly-bin in New Zealand).
But all of this bread choreography is about getting to understand a process that is quite a big step up from baking a couple of loaves a week for me and friends.
I’ve started costing things based on how many loaves of bread they would cost. Not pretty.↩︎